

Julie's faith journey began with the words, "I'll never ever be Catholic."  Her path includes stopping points along the way in awe of the depth of the relationship that Christ calls us to in the Catholic Church.

The Propers of the Mass

The Liturgy is the source and summit of the faith (LG11) and the most beautiful prayer book ever written is the Roman Missal.  When we are familiar with the Propers of the Mass, how we listen and what we hear in mass will draw you deeper into the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.


Intercessory prayer is also ingrained in Julie's soul.  Many people have the same advice: "just pray about it" or "prayer is all you need."  And that's true, but how can we make our prayers heard - and answered?  Watch a sample of her talk, given for the Diocese of Sioux City.

Church Renewal

Have you become a fan of St. Pope Paul VI's document, Ecclasium Suam?  She has!  In his prophetic wisdom, St. Pope Paul VI gave us a simple 3-step plan for renewal.   Here is the link to view a talk she gave for the Diocese of Sioux City.

For more information in bringing Julie to your parish or event, click here.